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·Egyptian women's charming grace
·Altay prairie Tuolehaite
·Danxia Scenic Area of Chishui
·Mang people: no family known as tribes located in southern Yunnan
·China's largest forest park: Mordaga in Erguna
·Lijiang Heilongtan landscape in Yunnan Province
·Beating between light and shadow of the wizard: Chinese Shadow Art
·Fuzhou Xichansi Temple: one of the five major Buddhist Temple in Fujian Province
·Luxor: town of the palaces
·Huanghe River
·Populus Ejin
·Amazing marine life: a happy underwater world
·Taiwanese customs: during the Songkran Dragon Boat Festival at Sea
·Xingyi Lubuge
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·Velvet ring: the head of the c...
·Traces of Han Chang\'an City i...
·Tiger-head shoes: Chinese trad...
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·The largest of Swan winter hab...
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·Shanghai 2010 Biennale
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·Beijing opera: Monkey Wars mon...
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·Yanbian Bull of Jilin Province...